The town of Towson in 1919 was a small village community, the county seat of Baltimore County, in the state of Maryland. The veterans who returned to the area after World War I came back to a thriving community - with paved and unpaved roads, and horse-drawn carriages vying with the new horseless carriages. Towson had long been a crossroads between the rural farm communities of northern Maryland and central Pennsylvania, and the industries and shipping centers of Baltimore City. Because of its prime location, Towson's inns and taverns attracted other businesses, and the small town began to thrive.
Convinced of the necessity for an organization to preserve and strengthen the bonds of friendship, forged by the service through which they had passed in the war against Germany, a number of Towson men (World War I veterans), met on August 6, 1919, in the main courtroom of the Towson Courthouse, in order to discuss the formation of a post in the new organization, The American Legion. The main force in calling the meeting was William P. Cole, Jr., who was also very much involved in the early beginnings of the Department of Maryland. Mr. Cole was an Executive Committeeman in the Department under Commanders Janney in 1919, and Mecklin in 1920.
From this first meeting, the members established and applied for a Charter as the "Towson American Legion Post #22."
Immediately, the Post earned a favorable reputation for its welfare work, and its social functions. From the beginning, efforts were made to raise funds for a Post home.
In 1921, a Memorial Shaft was erected by the Post in commemoration of the War dead.
In 1923, the Towson Post Commander, Lawrence Ensor, received the Charter from the National organization, which was dated March 10, 1923. It was signed by the National Commander Alvin Qusley and his Adjutant Bolles. It was counter-signed by Department Commander Arthur Renouf and Adjutant Alfred Truitt on March 26, 1923.
From 1925 to 1929, the Post was inactive. However, interest was revived in 1930. Towson Post #22 has commanded a high place in the esteem of the community. Outstanding among the activities of the Post was the County-wide Relief Drive conducted in 1932. Other activities were Baseball, Boy Scouts, and a Rifle Team.
Today, the Post is deeply involved and committed to the community. Annually, Post 22 is one of the "3 Big" sponsors of the Towsontowne Spring Festival and the 4th of July Parade - the Post also welcomes visitors for hot dogs and ice cream after the parade - free to the community. Flag Disposal Ceremonies are conducted open to the public; a "worn-out Flag" box is located outside the building for the community to deposit old and tattered Flags for a proper disposal.
Children & Youth and Americanism sends the members into the community each year seeking high schoolers to participate in The National High School Oratorical Contest, an essay/speech competition for scholarship funds, and The Boys/Girls State educational programs held during the Summer vacation for "hands on" experience on how our government works. Outstanding Police, Firefighter and EMS personnel are solicited, selected and forwarded for honors and awards in a state-wide competition.
The Post welcomes the community to look for events on our calendar, and come have some fun while supporting America's veterans, their families, and your community. All proceeds made from all events go directly to charitable programs.